I just love this story from Sky News. We've all heard how cushy prisons are getting these days (alledgedly) but one which sends them home at the weekend?
Burglars have broken into a prison and stolen inmates' television sets.

Het Keern prison (Photo: Ministerie van Justitie)
The thieves crept into a minimum-security jail in the Dutch town of Hoorn, near Amsterdam, when the inmates were away for the weekend, authorities have revealed.
The facility is used for prisoners who are coming to the end of their sentences and, because they are soon to be released, are often allowed out for weekends.
The establishment is described as "a very modestly protected environment".
The thefts took place on two separate weekends, in March and April.
It is still not known how the burglars broke in.
No arrests have been made yet, a police spokeswoman said.
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