Tuesday, 28 December 2010

Ancient Churches in Down and Connor.


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From "Belfast News-Letter," 23rd July, 1886.

How stuck modern archaeologists and other lovers of bygone history owe to those writers who, in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries, left behind them authentic records of the events that were passing in their own times could hardly be overestimated. This is especially the case with regard to ecclesiastical buildings, the stories connected with which read in many cases like the pages of romance. Our Scottish neighbours can boast of a long fine traditional and historic details connecting national and sectarian annals in almost uninterrupted sequence. And in remote ages England had collected together the scattered material of ecclesiastical history, all of which has been carefully preserved.

When Thomas Moore was writing his work on Ireland he had much difficulty in obtaining all the information he sought for in reference to sacred fanes and other buildings. Since his day an immense extent of light has been thrown on the subject by the genius and research of archaeologists.

Some years ago the learned Dr. Reeves, now Bishop or Down and Connor, published, in a handsome quarto, the most valuable collection of antiquarian lore that had ever appeared on the subject of diocesan history, and which as a book of reference seems to have been written for all time. And still more recently, the Rev. James O'Laverty, parish priest of Holywood, issued three volumes on the Church history of Down and Connor, which abound in information relating to the Reformed as well as the Roman Catholic Church. Thee labour and research which were brought into play in collecting material for these respective works must have been far beyond ordinary conception.

Respecting the priority of ages of ecclesiastical buildings, much difference of opinion may be found in the writings of men of high position in the literary world. When the church of Carrickfergus was being rebuilt is 1581, Lord Deputy Gray gave an order to the Mayor and Corporation of the town, which order was addressed to the provincial authority, desiring that gentleman to give the Corporation of Knockfergus whatever timber they required from "ye woods of Belfast." At that time the now capital of Ulster was a small fishing village that stood outside the English pale, and the order was, therefore, refused.

The parish of Shankill is frequently referred to in Dr. Reeves' history, and also in that of the Rev. J. O'Laverty. It's name signified old church, but at the tine of the erection in Carrickfergus not a vestige of the building remained.

Very soon after Sir Arthur Chichester was presented with the castle of Belfast and the lands that comprised the estate. It would appear that among the first of his acts as a landlord was that of providing a place of worship for the people. In October, 1615, the municipal authorities of the town issued a proclamation to the effect that on each Sabbath Day the burgesses and free commoners should assemble in their Town Hall, dressed in their official robes, and march in procession to the residence of the Sovereign, James Burr, and escort him to church. Penalties ranging from one to five shillings, according to the rank of the offenders, were recoverable for non-attendance at public worship. The church alluded to is supposed to have stood on the site now occupied by St. George's, High Street, and which in 1645 was pulled down and replaced by the erection of the building named the Corporation Church.


Sir Fulke Conway, like Sir Arthur Chichester, enjoyed the patronage of Queen Elizabeth and her immediate successor. He too was sent to Ireland as commander of troops ordered there to aid in quelling the rebellion, and after partial peace had been made with several native chiefs, the gallant knight laid aside his weapons of war. and betook himself to the duties of landlordism. In addition to the Crown lands granted him, he became owner of the rectorial tithes of several parishes on the estate, and at once set about repairing such of the old churches as had been injured during the rebellion. He also erected new houses of worship.

The early history of Killultagh -- Church of the Wood -- has been lost in the mists of time, and that of Ballinderry is only partially known. In the middle of the sixteenth century, however, that old place of worship was put in thorough repair by Earl Conway, and to the present day there remain portions of the sacred walls that once re-echoed the sublime oratory of Jeremy Taylor.

Lisnagarvagh and Blayruss were separate parishes in the reign of James the First. Tradition has it that when Sir Fulke Conway took up his residence in the stronghold previously owned by the O'Neill known as captain of Killultagh there stood in the immediate vicinity a chapel in which the chief had mass celebrated when the fit of religious fervour came on, but as neither he himself nor his retainers paid much attention to such things sacred the house was left in decay. The new lord of the manor had the roof and walls partially repaired, but in 1623 the whole was taken down and the original of the present cathedral erected in its stead. The old warrior died the following year, and his brother Edward had arrived in Lisnagarvagh some months before the church was consecrated. That ceremonial was performed by Bishop Robert Echlin, the Rev. Alexander Forbeson, rector of Blaris, assisting.

The second owner of the estate in Warwickshire, as well as that in Down and Antrim, was in the same year raised to the peerage as Baron Conway of Ragley. This nobleman died in 1630. His son Edward, Viscount Killultagh, made many improvements in the Church, and about 1641 got a law passed, which was known as "Conway's Act," for the uniting of the parishes of Lisnagarvagh and Blaris.

Most schoolboys who have read about the rebellion of 1641 are aware that the Irish army in its retreat from Lisnagarvagh set fire to that town. Nearly all the thatched houses were burned, but except some damage to the roof the church had a fortunate escape, and was speedily repaired.

Another change of proprietorship took place in the Conway estate in 1655, and when the third viscount arrived at the capital of the property, then called Lisburn, he found the town garrisoned by Cromwell's troops, and on Sundays those soldiers occupied so many seats in the church, that only a few of the parishioners could be accommodated. The Rev. Alexander Wike, an Independent minister, had just settled in the town, and many of the Episcopal families attended his ministry.

Dr. Jeremy Taylor.

Lord Conway, finding that the great majority of the tenants on his estate were opposed to the Protectorate, induced the celebrated polemic Dr. Taylor to come over from England as a missionary to those Loyalists. His Lordship had a handsome cottage built and furnished at Portmara, near the borders of Lough Neagh, and a house in Lisburn, also furnished, for the future prelate, on whom he settled a handsome income. It was chiefly through Viscount Conway's influence at Court that Jeremy Taylor was elevated to the Episcopal Bench of Down and Connor. Very soon after the Restoration Charles the Second raised Lisburn Church to the dignity of cathedral of the diocese as a mark of respect to the people for their loyalty towards himself and his father.

A second fire took place in Lisburn in April, 1707, and did immense damage. Numbers of people were left homeless, but except the wooden tower that stood at the west end of the church that sacred building escaped serious injury. During that fire the splendid set of musical bells presented to the parishioners by the Countess Conway were melted into masses of metal.

Francis Seymour, the second member of the house of Somerset that inherited the Conway estates, and who resided in Lisburn several months of each year, had the church repaired and extended considerably. A stone tower was erected and a huge bell placed there. This gentleman had been raised to the peerage as Baron Seymour Conway of Ragley and Viscount Killultagh of Antrim. He repaired the churches of Lambeg and Derriaghy, and it was stated by Bishop Edward Smythe "that Lord Seymour Conway liberably supplemented the incomes of the smaller benefices on his estate."

The Cathedral Bells.

The baron died at his residence in Lisburn in February, 1732, and was succeeded by his eldest son, who became earl, and ultimately Marquis of Hertford. Like his predecessor, this nobleman was always ready to contribute towards the support of the churches connected with the different parishes on his estate. In 1752 he had the fused metal of Lady Conway's set of bells, and which had been preserved from the time of the great fire, sent to an eminent founder in Dublin, and, with a large increase of silver, the whole was recast, and when finished turned out one of the richest and soundest toned bells in the kingdom. In the course of the casting the words "Francis, Earl of Hertford!" were inscribed on the outside.

The old tower of the Lisburn Cathedral was taken down in 1804, and the second Marquis engaged the eminent architect, John M'Blain, to build the present spire Four pinnacles were raised on the basement, and as a work of art, viewed from foundation to the weathercock that swings on the topmost stone, the steeple is a great triumph of design and workmanship.

From 1796 to 1876 there were only two changes of rectors in the cathedrals of this diocese. The Rev. Dr. Cupples during his forty years of ministerial duty, effected many improvements in the sittings and galleries of the church, and it was in his day that the splendid organ, the gift of the third Marquis of Hertford, was set up in the eastern gallery.

Dean Stannus became rector in January, 1836, and he held office for forty years.

In the early months of 1847 the Ecclesiastical Commissioners had the steeple perfectly pointed with cement, the pinnacles, which had been blown down in a storm, were rebuilt and finished lower than before, and the vane and a ball regilt. The front entrance, which had been through the basement of the tower, was built up, a new door made in the side, and stone steps erected as an approach to the galleries. This added much to the sitting accommodation, and at the same time the pulpit and reading-desk were detached and remodelled, a new chancel was built, and the exceedingly handsome eastern window of satined glass, which gives its picturesque beauty to that end of the cathedral, was placed there. The cost, raised by private subscription, was said to have been considerably above £200.

Dean Stannus frequently alluded to the valuable assistance which, respecting design and finish of that eastern window, he had received from the late Mr. George Stephenson, a gentleman possessed of rare taste and judgement in the fine arts. It was afterwards a source of regret to the dean that when the chancel was being extended he did not go a little farther in the good work, and form a loft for the organ on one side the communion rails, and a range of seats for the choristers on the other. There is always something detractive from the effect of church music when it comes over the backs of the congregation.

The great bell of the cathedral set up in 1762 received some injury half a century afterwards, but which did not materially affect its tone. On the second Sunday of February, 1861, the breach made in the instrument sixty years before suddenly gave way, and all sound ceased. Richard, fourth Marquis of Hertford, immediately afterwards sent an order to the founder, Thomas Hodges, of Dublin, for a new bell of still greater dimensions, and more beautiful tone. The work was finished in January, 1862, and the grand tower of the cathedral once again resounded with the musical call to Divine worship.

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By JOHN F. MULLIGAN, Solicitor, Belfast.

From "Belfast News-Letter," November 9, 1886.

The name Dromore was derived from two Irish words signifying "The great ridge," or "The great back of a hill." Dromore was, either from an antiquarian or an ecclesiastical point of view, one of the most interesting towns in Ireland. The See of Dromore was founded about the year 500 by Saint Colman, who established a monastery or abbey there, and presided over it in the joint capacity of bishop and abbot. This abbey had acquired extensive possessions early in the tenth century, and was frequently plundered by the Danes. They read that "this town (Dromore) was in the fourteenth century the place of exile of two corrupt English judges -- viz., Sir John Holt and Sir Robert Bechnap -- who, for delivering their opinion that King Richard II. was above the laws, were found guilty of high treason and condemned to die; but, at the intercession of the clergy and some temporal lords, their sentences were changed to banishment to the village of Dromore, in Ireland, and they were confined not to go out of the town above the space of two miles on pain of death."

On 14th March, 1688, a skirmish generally known as the "Rout," or "Break," took place near this town, between a party of Protestants and some of the adherents of James the Second, and it was there that the first Protestant blood was shed in that memorable year.

Mr. Mulligan refers to the various places and objects of interest to be seen in the course of a ramble through Dromore, and gives interesting particulars regarding the Bishop's Palace, the Parish Church, which is also the Cathedral of the Diocese of Dromore; Jeremy Taylor, Bishop Percy, "Hafiz " (the nom de plume of the late Mr. Thomas Stott), the Lagan, the Presbyterian churches of Dromore, the schools, the Rev. James Porter (author of "Billy Bluff"), who was at one time a school teacher in Dromore; the old castle, the Unitarian Church, the Rev. Alexander Colvill, M.D.; the old Cross, the Stocks, the Mount, Thomas Romney Robinson and William Cunningham, the boy-poets of Dromore; the Methodist Church, St. Colman's Roman Catholic Church, and the "Break of Dromore."

The remains of Bishops Jenny Taylor, George Rust, Essex Digby, Capel Wiseman (who was grand-uncle of the late Cardinal Wiseman), and Thomas Percy were interred within the cathedral, as were also the remains of Mrs. Percy, the "Nancy" of Dr. Percy's charming ballad, "O, Nancy, wilt thou go with me?"

The Lagan,

upon whose banks the town of Dromore is built, rises on the northern slope of Slieve Croob, and flowing past Dromara, Dromore, Moira, and Lisburn, falls into the sea at Belfast. The name Lagan was an Irish word signifying "a hollow or hollow district between hills or mountains." In early Irish authorities the river was called "Cassan Linne," but in the life of Saint Colman it was designated "The Locha." The mouth of the river, where it fell into the sea, is called Vinderius by Ptolemy, the geographer.

Belfast Lough was anciently called Loch Laogh, and Dr. Reeves had said that the name Locha seemed to be derived from a common origin with Loch Laogh. This loch was afterwards called Lough Bannchor, then the Bay of Knockfergus, and finally Belfast Lough.

In an old map of the lough and adjoining country, drawn in the reign of Queen Elizabeth, the river Lagan is called F. Leganda, and to the portion of the map representing the river are appended these words: "Alonge this river by ye space of twenty-six miles groweth much woodes as well as okes for tymber as hother woodde, wich maie be brought in the bale of Cragfargus with bote or by dragge."

The introduction of frogs in to County Down was said to have occurred at a place a few miles distant from Dromore, and it was stated that it was from County Down they had spread in such numbers through the rest of the country.

At one time there was a chalybeate spa in Dromore, but it had long since disappeared in consequence of the cutting of a drain. There were eight principal chalybeate spas in County Down. These were at Ardmillan, Killaghee, Gransha, Kirkdonnell, Magheralin, Dromore, Newry, and Turkelly. The waters of these spas differed from each other chiefly in the different degrees of strength of the mineral impregnation. The water of the Dromore spa was more brackish than the rest, curdled more with soap, and imparted some redness to beef boiled in it, having a greater proportion of calcareous nitre. The Dromore spa stood in the town, by the river side, with an exposure to the south, but being covered by an arch and trees the sun had no power over it. Some experiments were made in May, 1743, on the water of the spa; from which it appeared that its taste was strongly ferruginous, and it struck a very deep purple with galls and a light blue with logwood; a light purple with brandy and rectified spirits of wine; all evidences of an impregnating iron, and by the hydrometer it appeared to be nearly of the same specific gravity with the water of the Lagan. Its operation was purgative, and it was often drunk with success in some diseases of the kidneys.

The Cross and Stocks.

There was formerly a very fine sculptures granite cross sytanding in Dromore. The remains of it lay for many years at the south-west corner of the old Market-house, and the base of the cross was used as a stand for the town stocks. Both the stones of the cross and the stocks were removed to another part of the Market Square when the erection of the new Market-house was commenced.

Steps were being taken for the re-erection of the cross was originally erected by St. Colman at the time he founded the abbey in Dromore, and that it stood near the church. The late Mr. Welsh's theory regarding the origin of the Dromore Cross was to the following effect -- When Druidism was the prevailing religion there were throughout the country a great many holy wells or fountains at which religious ceremonies were performed. On the introduction of Christianity the missionaries erected crosses in the neighbourhood of these fountains, so that the early converts might be baptised at the foot of the cross, with the sacred water associated with their former religion, and in this way the ancient inhabitants were more easily persuaded to accept the new doctrines. Mr. Welsh's idea was that the Church Well (as it is now called), which is near the church, was a Druidical well or fountain, and that the Dromore Cross was originally erected near it for the purpose already indicated. Whatever uncertainty there may be as to the time of the original erection of the cross there was no doubt whatever of its having been a conspicuous object in Dromore in the beginning of the reign of James the First, as in the charter of 1609 that King granted a free market every Saturday, and two fairs yearly, to be held near the Church of Dromore, where a great stone cross then stood.

The cross afterwards either fell or was pulled down, and for many years it lay at that corner of the Market Square which was now known as Mr. Edgar's corner.

In 1803 company of the Donegal Militia being quartered in Dromore, a resident of the town proposed that these men should erect the cross in the Market Square, and offered to pay them half a guinea for their trouble. The militiamen accepted the offer, but, having accomplished their task in a very, short time, their employer would only give them five shillings. The men were so indignant at his conduct that they at once pulled the cross down again.

A short time afterwards the town stocks were erected at the south-west corner of the Market-house, upon the stone which formed the base of the cross, and at the corner of the Market-house the remaining stones of the cross lay on the ground beside the stocks from that period until the present year.

It was scarcely necessary to explain that the common stocks were an apparatus of wood or iron much used in former times for the punishment of petty offences. The culprit was placed on a seat with his ankles fastened in holes under a movable board of wood or bar of iron.

The period of the first introduction of the common stocks was uncertain, but in the 2nd statute of Labourers, 25th Edward III. (1350) provision was made for applying the stocks to unruly artificers; and in 1376 the Commons prayed Edward III. that stocks should be established in every village. The Dromore stocks, which were made of iron, were probably as good a specimen of this instrument of punishment as could be found in the United Kingdom. They were probably standing in Dromore previously to their being erected on the basement of the cross; but without doubt they stood on the south-west corner of the Market-house from 1805 till 1886, and, although exposed to all the changes of our variable climate for more than eighty years, they are now as complete as on the day they were first erected.

In the burial-ground in connection with the First Presbyterian Church (Dr. Strain's) lie the remains of John Morgan, whom Denis Holland pronounced "the intellectual Titan of the North." Unhappily, no stone marked the resting-place of this talented man in that burial-ground at Dromore which he himself described as the "pine-girt graveyard."

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By Mrs. CRAIK in the "English Illustrated Magazine."

Scarcely a stone's throw from a gloomy graveyard we came out suddenly upon the glittering expanse of Lough Neagh, the largest lake in the three kingdoms, twenty miles long by fifteen broad, looking like an inland sea. Not a ship or boat of any sort dotted its vast smooth surface; its long level shores -- for there is not a mountain near -- added to the sense of silent, smiling, contented desolation.

"See how we Irish throw away our blessings," said my companion, as we stood looking at the lovely sight. "In England such a splendid sheet of water would have been utilised in many ways, and made a centre of both business and pleasure. Factories would have sprung up along its shores, yachts, steamers, fishing boats, would have covered it from end to end. Now, Moore's solitary fisherman, who is supposed to stray on its banks

     " 'At the clear, cold eve's declining'

(probably bent on catching pollan, the only fish attainable here) -- might easily imagine he saw

     " 'The round towers of other days
         In the wave beneath him shining!' "

"But did he?" I was foolish enough to ask, because most fiction has a grain of fact at its core. "Was there ever anything curious seen at the bottom of Lough Neagh?"

"I have dredged it from end to end and found many submarine curiosities, but never a round tower or a king's palace. Even the fossilising power which is said to be in its waters, I believe, lies not in the lake itself, but in one of its tributaries, the Crumlin river, which has probably the same petrifying and preserving qualities that exist in bog. At any rate, the fossil wood which is often found in the lough is extremely beautiful."

"And there is really no record of submerged cities?" said I, still craving after my pleasant fiction, "The waters must cover such an enormous surface, which was dry land once."

"Certainly. It is said that about A.D. 100 the river Bann overflowed, and drowned a prince of Ulster with all his kingdom. Or, if you prefer it, your own Caxton declared that the prince and his people, being 'men of evyle lyvinge,' opened a holy well, which was always kept closed. A woman went to draw water with her child, the child cried, she ran to it, leaving the well uncovered, when up welled the waters, destroying the whole country -- including the woman and child. This is said to have happened A.D. 65. So you can choose between two conflicting dates and traditions, and please yourself, as you mostly can in all histories. But here's an undeniable fact -- the Castle."

Not the original fortress, built by the first O'Neill on the shores of Lough Neagh, with the good right hand yet left to him, but the half-modern, half-mediæval one which was burned to the ground as late as 1816. Its ruins, picturesque and ivy-grown, showed what a fine building it must have been. I was shown "Lord O'Neill's safe" -- a sort of cupboard in the enormously thick wall -- still left standing in what had been an upper room. Also the black stone, once a carved head, fixed in the outer masonry, to which clings a tradition that when it falls the family of O'Neill will end.

Of course they have a banshee -- all real old Irish families have. Not the modern Anglo-Irish, who came over with Edmund Spencer, Oliver Cromwell, or King James, but the true Celts. A friend, whose uncle was present at the burning of Shane's Castle, told me the story of it. Lord O'Neill -- a bachelor -- has a party of gay bachelor friends dining with him. In the midst of their jollifications fire broke out in a different room. Nobody minded it much at first -- nobody does mind evil in Ireland till too late to mend it -- and then they inquired for the fire-engine. It had been carried off that very day a dozen miles to destroy a wasp's nest in a cottage roof! So their was nothing for it but to remove the pictures, furniture, and valuables -- or as much of them as they could -- and let the castle burn. Lord O'Neill and his companions, who must have been pretty sober now, sat on an old box and watched it burn. With the Lough and its waters only a few yards off, they yet could do nothing, unless it was to curse their own folly in letting go the only means of safety -- the fire engine. While they sat helplessly gazing, my friends uncle always declared he saw, and several of the other guests affirmed the same, a female figure, all in white, stand wringing her hands, and then pass and repass from window to window of the burning house, in which they were certain there was no living creature, Of course it was the Banshee of the O'Neills.

After this, no one attempted to rebuild the old castle.

Next week will commence a series of Articles on Local Literary Men.

(This article was originally published in the Lisburn Standard on 29 December 1916 as part of a series which ran in that paper each week through 1917. The text along with other extracts can be found on my website Eddies Extracts.)

Tuesday, 21 December 2010

Two Old Lisburn Legends Retold.


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These two ancient tales of the neighbourhood of Lisburn have frequently been narrated to the Editor, in rough outline, by old residents in the district. Finding unvarying similarity in the various accounts, sufficient to give good ground for belief in their authenticity, he considered they were worth preserving, and determined to throw them into narrative form and accord them a place in these "Extracts."

Mrs. Ward, who was born in Lisburn in the year 1820, widow of Dr. John Ward, Market Square, who died in 1901, corroborates both tales. In her early youth the Derriaghy incident was "common talk" in Lisburn, and the chief actors in it well known. In regard to the Lambeg story, she was personally acquainted with Essy Pelan and Mr. Pecksniff and all the circumstances surrounding that simple but sad drama.

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The Rector of Derriaghy's Dream.

In the early part of the nineteenth century the Rev. Philip Johnson was Rector of Derriaghy, and resided at Ballymacash.

One night in the late autumn of the year 1808, awaking out of his sleep, he told his wife: "I have had a bad dream. I thought I saw the church on fire." She, good soul, soon quieted him, and in a few minutes he was again asleep.

In a short time he started up anew, saying: "I have dreamt it again. I saw the church in flames; I saw the roof full in and the walls crumble down. There must be something wrong."

But his spouse took a more practical view, and reassured him with the remark that she thought he had eaten rather heartily at supper, and that he had better go to sleep again at once and not disturb her anymore.

But here was to be no peace that night. Almost immediately after he started up again and sprang out of bed. "That's the third time," he cried. "The church is in flames: I saw it distinctly. I must go at once." He flung on his clothes, rushed out and in a few minutes was galloping wildly across country in the direction of Derriaghy.

Reaching the village, he was startled to see in the dim light, standing in the centre of the road on the crest of the hill before approaching the church, a figure in white.

Dismounting and throwing his bridle over a convenient post, he approached the figure, and there and then the rev. gentleman received what was possibly to him the surprise of his life. But it was only the precursor of greater surprises in store for him that night.

The figure in white resolved itself into a young girl, apparelled in a kind of bridal array, and the moment the rector approached, she grasped him frantically and excitedly by the arm, sobbing out: "Oh! I am so glad you have come. I was so frightened. He is waiting for us down by the church. He said he had asked you to come to-night to marry us. Oh, yes," and she grasped the rector's arm more tightly. "We must be married to-night. He sent me up here to meet you. He has always been so good and kind to me, and I love him: but to-night he looked so strange, I am frightened. All will be well when we are married, won't it?"

"Yes, my dear," said the perplexed rector, "I hope so"; but to himself he murmured: "Am I still asleep and dreaming in my home at Ballymacash, or am I awake?" He was soon to find he was very much awake indeed.

"Now, my girl," said he, "tell me who is the man you are going to marry," and she tremblingly whispered in his car the name of a well-known citizen of Lisburn of that day.

The rector and the girl then proceeded down to the church, but there was no man there.

Wildly she looked round. "Oh! I have kept him waiting too long. What shall I do? What shall I do?"

"Wait here," said the rector kindly; "wait here and I will go round the church and try and find him."

The old church was much smaller than the present edifice, which was built in 1871, but it stood practically on the same site as the building that replaced it.

Stepping quickly on to the springy turf, he passed round the church to the rear, but saw no one.

As he stood in the ghostly silence he thought he heard a sound coming from the old enclosure of the Rosbothams, and looking in that direction he saw a faint and dim glimmer of light.

Moving silently in the direction of the light, fearing he knew not what, he received a dreadful shock.

Approaching the entrance to the enclosure containing the tombs, in those far-off days the surrounding wall was much higher than at present, and even then it was heavily draped with overhanging ivy, he saw a sight that froze the very marrow in his bones.

By the dim and ghostly light of a lantern resting on a tomb stone he saw, digging furiously and frantically in a shallow grave, the man the girl had named.

With desperate energy the man dug in the light and sandy soil, perspiration flowing from every pore.

For some minutes the rector stood in silence contemplating the awful scene. Then moving quietly across, and standing almost over the man working in the grave, he looked down upon him.

The intensity of his gaze at length drew to him the eyes of the man he looked upon.

For one long minute, in otter silence, they gazed into each other's eyes, and the rector shuddered at what he saw in that frozen stare.

He saw mirrored there terror, horror, murder.

Then the spell was broken; the man threw down his spade, sprang out of the grave, clambered over the wall, and without a word disappeared in the darkness.

As Mr. Johnson, lifted the lamp and spade to return to the waiting girl, in his heart was a song of thanksgiving, thanksgiving for his dream, thanksgiving that he had arrived in time to prevent a dreadful crime.

Going back to the girl he found her almost in a state of collapse. With difficulty he persuaded her to return, with him, to her home on the outskirts of the village.

Her father after being roused from his sleep, opened the door, and the rector gently pushed the girl into his arms, saying: "Be good and gentle to her, ask her no questions to-night, see her safely into her bed, and when you retire to your own room, go down on your knees and thank your Creator that she is safe under your roof this night. In the morning I will return and explain. Good night."

Within a very short time the man left Lisburn. Rumour said later he was living in New York. Again a report came, that was confirmed, that in the city of New York he had died a lonely and miserable death.

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The Broken Column in Lambeg Parish Churchyard.

About the year 1830 there lived in Lisburn a young couple much attached to each other.

In their case the course of true love ran smooth and unruffled.

Their devotion to each other was touching to see, and became the theme of the town.

She was pretty and loving and confiding.

He was masterful and ambitious.

In time the lure of distant lands laid hold upon him.

She only wanted his love and the quiet, simple life of old Lisburn.

He would travel, and in the new land of Canada make a home worthy of his love.

Thus ambition intervened.

The day soon came when, with protestations of undying love and affection, he parted from the clinging arms of the confiding girl to seek fame and fortune for her on a foreign shore.

The old tale: the mat went forth to conquer, the woman remained at home to weep and wait.

Lonely and heartsore, her only solace was his letters.

Frequent and regular they came, full of love and hope and buoyancy.

The light returned to her eyes, and the smile to her sweet lips.

Success was crowning his efforts.

The home was materialising.

The lovers would soon be reunited.

In brave and gallant words he told of his success.

He told of the new life opening, that they were soon to live together.

She must prepare herself, he said, to fill worthily the position she would occupy.

Masterful as ever, he pointed out how she should proceed.

Deportment, etiquette, and the fine arts must all be acquired.

To the loving girl his word was law, but her friends began to doubt.

Still, she had his letters, frequent and regular, and time would vindicate her trust. What then mattered, the covert smile, the wise head shake, the subtle inuendo?

Again the old tale: the woman waits and suffers.

Less frequent, came the letters.

Still less frequent and at longer intervals they came, then ceased.

The delicate flower drooped and faded.

The days passed into weeks, then into months. The crushed spirit bore up bravely, waiting, waiting, dying; the broken heart beat more feebly, then ceased for ever.

In Lambeg Parish Churchyard she was laid to rest.

To rest, yes, free from her longing, her love, her pain.

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Years passed, and then once more Lisburn saw the brave youth return who had gone forth to win fortune and honour for his love.

He had won fortune, but what of his honour?

In his success he had forgotten the gentle flower of Lisnagarvey, and allowed it to wither and die.

He had gone forth full of high hopes and aspirations. He returned to his native town full of pomposity, inflated with success.

Pecksniff he was aptly named in derision, on his return, and as Mr. Pecksniff let him pass.

His gold-headed cane was wonderful to see, his unctious self-satisfaction hard to tolerate.

His protestations of the love for the girl he had deserted were loud-mouthed and fulsome.

He visited her grave, and defiled the sod with crocodile tears.

He would erect a monument to her memory -- which her friends tried to prevent -- with suitable inscriptions expressing his loss, her love, their devotion.

The monument in Lambeg Churchyard was the result.

It is a square pedestal surmounted by a marble column about four feet high, broken off at the top to represent a young life cut off in its prime with its work unfinished.

On the four sides of the pedestal are inscriptions:--

Essy Pelan
died on the anniversary
of her birthday.
1st March, 1833.
Aged 21 years.
I weep the more, because
I weep in vain.
Thou wert my life,
The ocean to the river of
my thoughts
which terminated all.
Separated below but
united above.
For love is strong
as death.
Solomon's Song 8-6.
Thou wert faithful unto death.
Rev. 2-10.
Thy love was wonderful,
passing the love of women.
2 Sam. 1-26.

The monument was unveiled with fitting ceremony.

Pecksniff in the leading part, as broken-hearted and generous lover.

His task finished, he departed in a cloud of self-satisfied glory, and Lisburn knew him no more.

But Nemesis was, unknown to him, on his track.

Not long had he gone, when information reached the town that he was already a married man, that for years he bad been married to a wealthy woman of position in the land of his adoption.

And then a kind friend -- there are always such kind friends -- wrote a true and correct account of Mr. Pecksniff's love affairs in Lisburn, touching lightly on his devotion and his broken heart, and rounded it off with an authentic copy of the inscriptions from the monument, and sent it out to Mrs. Pecksniff

Let us draw a veil over the result.

Yet, raise but a tiny corner, and you may see a furious and exasperated woman, standing over a cowed and dejected Pecksniff, flourishing in his face the fatal record of his past.

The tradition is she found, in a short time, means to divorce him.

His prosperity, however, held good, and long years after he died in the odour of sanctity and success.

Exit Pecksniff. Exit Essy Pelan. They have long since passed away into the land of shadows.

Kind friends, throw not stones at him.

Who can say what remorse he may have suffered?

According to his lights, he may have earnestly tried to make what expiation for hi sin that he could.

Give him the benefit of the doubt.

Let them rest in peace.


appearing from time to time in the "Northern Whig."

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The Drumbeg Ghost.

Whether Drumbeg Churchyard stands as it used to stand two hundred years ago we know not, nor whether it still holds the gravestone of "Liftenant James Haddock who dweled in Mallon and deceased the 18 of December, 1657," but the "Liftenant" is still of interest as forming the core of one of the more notable of our ghost stories.

"About Michaelmas, 1662," one reads in ancient Glanvil, "one Francis Taverner porter to the Lord Chichester at Belfast, riding late in the night from Hillsborough homeward toward Drumbridge, his horse, though of good mettle, suddenly made a stand, and there seemed to pass by him two horsemen, though he could not hear the treading of their feet, which amazed him. Presently there appeared a third, in a white coat, just at his elbow, in the likeness of James Haddock, formerly an inhabitant in Malone, where he died nearly five years before. Whereupon Taverner askt him in the name of God who he was? He replied, I am James Haddock, and you may call to mind by this token; that about five years ago I and two other friends were at your father's house, and you by your father's appointment brought us some nuts, and therefore be not afraid, says the apparition."

To cut a long story short, the reason for Haddock's revisiting the glimpses of the moon was his desire for the welfare of his only child. He appealed again and again to the sluggish Taverner bidding him "go to Elenor Welsh (now the wife of one Davis living at Malone, but formerly the wife of the said James Haddock, by whom she had an only son, to whom the said James Haddock had by his will given a lease which he held of Lord Chichester, of which the son was deprived by Davis, and to tell her that it was the will of her former husband that their son should be righted in the lease." In the end Taverner carried his message, and was examined by Dr. Jeremy Taylor, Dr. D'Arcy's most eminent predecessor in the diocese of Down and Connor and Dromore, and by Lady Conway, and as a result the boy was righted.

According to one story, the shameless and hardened Davis refused to surrender the lease, and the apparition bade Taverner to take the matter to court, where it would appear when summoned. The case accordingly came on at Carrickfergus. For the boy there was but one witness. "James Haddock!" cried the usher. "James Haddock!!" "James Haddock!!" At the third summons a clap of thunder shook the courthouse, a hand hovered over the witness-box, and a voice called, "Is this enough?" And it was.

The other version, by Bishop Taylor's secretary, relates that "There is an odd story depending on this. The boy's friends put the trustees and executor on this apparition's account into our court s, where it was pleasant to hear my Lord talk to them on the whole matter. The uncle and trustee, one John Costlet, forswore the thing, railed on Taverner, and made strange imprecations, and wisht judgments ought fall on him if he know of any such lease; but the fear of the apparition's menaces by Taverner fear'd him into a promise of justice at least. About four or five years after, when my Lord died, and the noise of the apparition was over, Costlet again began to threaten the boy with law. But being drunk at Hill Hall by Lisburne, coming home, he fell from his horse and never spoke more." And thus was fulfilled the old proverb that curses come home to roost.

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The Portmore Ghost.

It is told on the authority of Bishop Jeremy Taylor's secretary that "David Hunter, neatherd at the Bishop's house at Portmore, there appealed to him one night, carrying a Log of Wood into the Dairie, an Old Woman, which amazed him, for he knew her not; but the fright made him throw away his Log of Wood and run into the house. The next night she appeared again to him, and he could not choose but follow her all night, and so almost every night for near three-quarters of a year. Whenever she came he must go with her through the Woods at a good round rate; and the poor fellow looked as if he was bewitcht and travelled off his legs. And when in bed with his Wife, if she appeared he must rise and go. And because his Wife could not hold him in his bed, she would go too, and walk after him till day though she see nothing. But his little Dog was so well acquainted with the Apparition that he would follow her as we as the Master. If a Tree stood in her walk, he observed her always to go through it. In all this while she spake not.

"But one day the said David, going over a Hedge into the High-way, she came just against him, and he cried out, 'Lord, bless me, would I was dead; shall I never be delivered from this misery?' At which, 'And the Lord bless me, too,' says she; 'it was very happy you spoke first, for till then I had no power to speak, though I have followed you so long. My name (says she) is Margaret -----. I lived here before the War, and had one Son by my Husband. When he died I married a Souldier, by whom I had several children, which that former Son maintained, else we must all have starved. He lives beyond the Bann-water; pray go to him and bid him dig under such a Harth, and there he shall find 28s. Let him pay what I owe in such a place, and the rest to the charge unpayed at my Funeral; and go to my son that lives here, which I had by my latter Husband, and tell him that he lives a wicked and dissolute life, and is very unnatural and ungrateful to his Brother that maintained him; and if he does not amend his life God Almighty will destroy him.'

"David Hunter told her he never knew her. 'No,' says she, 'I died seven years before you came into the country.' But for all that if he would do her message she would never hurt him. But he deferred doing as the Apparition bid him, and she appeared the night after as he lay in bed, and struck him on the shoulder very hard; at which he cried out, and askt her if she did not promise she would not hurt him. She said that was if he did her Message; if not, she would kill him. He told her he could not go now by reason the Waters were out. She said she was content he should stay till they were abated, but charged him afterwards not to fail her. So he did her errand, and afterwards she appeared and gave him thanks. 'For now,' said she, 'I shall be at rest, therefore pray you lift me up from the ground and I will trouble you no more.' So David Hunter lifted her up from the ground and as he said, she just felt like a bag of Feathers in his arms. So she vanisht, and he heard most delicate Musick as she went off over his head, and he never was more troubled.

(This article was originally published in the Lisburn Standard on 22 December 1916 as part of a series which ran in that paper each week through 1917. The text along with other extracts can be found on my website Eddies Extracts.)

Sunday, 19 December 2010

Presbyterian Historical Society Open for Business

The Presbyterian Historical Society of Ireland who recently moved to new premises beside Queens University in Belfast are now open for business once again.

The new premises at 26 College Green are adjacent to the Presbyterian Theological College and it is hoped the closeness to the Colleges extensive library and that of the Presbytery of Antrim in the new Queens library will benefit students and researchers alike.

The Presbyterian Historical Society of Ireland
26 College Green, Belfast BT7 1LN
Email: phsilibrarian@pcinet.org
Tel: 028 9072 7330
Web: www.presbyterianhistoryireland.com

Hours of opening:
Tuesday and Wednesday 9.30am-1.00pm; 1.30pm-4.30pm
Thursday: 9.30am-1.00pm

Thursday, 16 December 2010

Directory of Lisburn for 1819. (part 2)



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With a
Directory and History of Lisburn

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1 Corn Market, Belfast.

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Directory of Lisburn for 1819.


Lackey, William, weaver, Chapel Hill.
Lappen, Cornelius, nailer, Market Lane.
Lappen, James, labourer, Longstone.
Laverty, Henry, carman, Longstone.
Laverty, Charles, labourer, Longstone.
Laverty, Robert, hostler, Chapel Hill.
Lavery, Anne, Longstone.
Lavery, James, weaver, Longstone.
Lavery, John, chaise driver, Bridge End.
Langhran, Neal, labourer, Antrim Lane.
Lawson, Alexander, weaver, Piper Hill.
Leech, Thomas, schoemaker, Longstone.
Lemon, John, grocer, Bridge Street.
Lenaghan, James, labourer, Jackson's Lane.
Lenaghan, John, servant, Bow Lane.
Lennon, Patrick, labourer, Bridge Street.
Linn, James, mason, Bridge Street.
Linsey, Ann, Smithfield.
Livingston, James, weaver, Piper Hill.
Long, John, boatman, Bridge End.
Lowry, John, weaver, Bow Lane.
Lutten, Charles, writing clerk, Belfast Gate.
Lynch, Hugh, labourer, Jackson's Lane.
Lynes, Terence, labourer, Chapel Lane.


Mackay, Hugh, weaver, Bridge End.
Magee, Henry B., Proctor Down and Connor, Bridge Street.
Magee, James, labourer, Ball Alley.
Magee, John, weaver, Jackson's Lane.
Magee, John, weaver, Belfast Gate.
Magee, Edward, publican, Church Row.
Magee, John, sheriff's assistant, Haslam's Lane.
Magee, John, labourer, Longstone.
Magennis, John, horse dealer, Longstone.
Megennis, James, labourer, Jackson's Lane.
Mairs, Thomas, currier, Tan Yard.
Major, George, grocer, Belfast Gate.
Major, William, muslin manufacturer, Bridge Street.
Major, John, merchant, Market Square.
Major, James, grocer, Market Square.
Marlow, William, weaver, Bridge Street.
Martin, Francis, weaver, Antrim Lane.
Martin, Jane, Bow Lane.
Martin, John, weaver, Bow Lane.
Martin, John, jun., labourer, Bow Lane.
Martin, Robert, weaver, Piper Hill.
Mason, Peter, superintendent of the vitriol works, Vitriol Island.
Mathew, Catharine, Longstone.
Mathew, William, shoemaker, Longstone.
Mead, Mrs. Ann, Belfast Gate.
Mealan, James, labourer, Piper hill.
Meharry, James, tailor, Market Lane.
Miller, Ruth, Market Square.
Miller, Robert, weaver, Piper Hill.
Miller, James, weaver, Chapel Hill.
Miller, David, labourer, Longstone.
Milligan, Lewis, labourer, Ball Alley.
Milligan, John, mason, Bridge Street.
Moat, Samuel, labourer, Bridge End.
Moles, Frances, Belfast Gate.
Moles, William, boatman, Pump Lane.
Montgomery, Wm., labourer, Bridge St.
Montgomery, John, labourer, Bridge St.
Mooney, William, coach driver, Jackson's Lane.
Moore, George, innkeeper, Market Square.
Moore, Joseph, labourer, Tan Yard.
Moore, John, labourer, Jackson's Lane.
Moore, Jane, Jackson's Lane.
Moore, James, weaver, Beggar Lane.
Moore, William, weaver, Bow Lane.
Moore, James, weaver, Chapel Hill.
Moore, Robert, blacksmith, Antrim Lane.
Moorcroft, William, weaver, Kennedy's Court.
Morewood, George, gent, Castle Street.
Morgan, John, mason, Bow Lane.
Morgan, Henry, mason, Ball Alley.
Morgan, Arthur, sawyer, Bridge Street.
Morgan, John, sawyer, Bridge End.
Morgan, Hugh, weaver, Bridge End.
Morgan, Sarah, Bridge Street.
Morren, Hugh, servant, Piper Hill.
Morrow, George, carpenter, Castle Street.
Morrow, Hugh, reed-maker, Linenhall St.
Morrow, James, weaver, Linenhall Street.
Moss, Lewis, huxter, Market Lane.
Mullen, Mary, Beggar Lane.
Munce, Andrew, butcher, Smithfield.
Munce, Robert, butcher, Smithfield.
Mulholland, Hugh, spirit merchant, Bridge Street.
Mulholland, Henry, linen merchant, Belfast Gate.
Mulholland, Henry, jun., timber merchant, Bridge Street.
Mulholland, Robert, weaver, Jackson's Lane.
Mulholland, John, muslin manufacturer, Bow Lane.
Mulholland, Isabella, Heron's Folly.
Mulholland, Ann, dressmaker, Castle St.
Murdoch, James, publican, Bow Lane.
Murray, Richard, hairdresser, Castle St.
Murray, William, grocer, Market Square.
Murray, Thomas, publican, Market Square.
Murray, Daniel, nailer, Antrim Lane.
Murray, George, mason, Ball Alley.
Murray, Hugh, servant, Belfast Gate.
Murray, James, saddler, Bridge Street.
Murray, John, butcher, Smithfield.
Murray, Matthew, weaver, Longstone.
Murphy, William, flax-dresser, Antrim Lane.
Murphy, Richard, weaver, Back Lane.
Murphy, William, weaver, Back Lane.
Murphy, Jane, Linenhall Street.
Murphy, Matthew, weaver, Longstone.
Mussen, Matthew, chandler, Market Sq.
Mussen, James, chandler, Market Square.
Mussen, Richard, publican, Market Sq.
Mussen, Mrs. Agnes, Bow Lane.
Mussen, Mrs. Sarah, Bow Lane.
Musgrave, Samuel, surgeon, Market Sq.


M'Afee, Archibald, weaver, Smithfield.
M'Afee, John, weaver, Linenhall Street.
M'Afee, Patrick, weaver, Linenhall Street.
M'Atier, Archibald, shoemaker, Bridge St.
M'Atier, Hanna, Chapel Hill.
M'Avoy, James, labourer, Pump Lane.
M'Blain, Jane, Castle Street.
M Blain, William, shoemaker, Linenhall Street.
M'Cabe, Joseph, carpenter, Johnson's Entry.
M'Caffery, Charles, labourer, Longstone.
M'Cagherty, John, labourer, Ball Alley.
M'Call, Robert, muslin manufacturer, Market Square.
M'Call, Charles, weaver, Smithfield.
M'Callister, Eliza, haberdasher, Castle St.
M'Callister, John, nailer, Antrim Lane.
M'Callister, Catharine, Antrim Lane.
M'Callister, Alexander, coal porter, Antrim
M'Callister, Thomas, weaver, Johnson's Entry.
M'Callister, Neesy, nailer, Smithfield.
M'Callister, Charles, servant, Bridge End.
M'Callister, James, Kn[-?-]-shoe maker, Bridge Street.
M'Cann, Hugh, labourer, Piper Hill.
M'Cann, William, weaver, Longstone.
M'Cann, James, weaver, Longstone.
M'Cann, James, farmer, Longstone.
M'Carty, Ellen, Antrim Lane.
M'Carty, William, shoemaker, Smithfield.
M'Cauley, Patrick, labourer, Tan Yard.
M'Cauley, John, weaver, Back Lane.
M'Cauley, James, mason, Beggar Lane.
M'Cauley, Sarah, Longstone.
M'Clatchy, Ann, huxter, Bow Lane.
M'Claverty, John, weaver, Linenhall St.
M'Clernan, James, hairdresser, Jackson Lane.
M'Cloy, Matthew, painter, &c., Bow Lane.
M'Cloy, Alexander, painter, &c., Bridge Street.
M'Clure, John, merchant, Market Square.
M'Clure, James, baker, Castle Street.
M'Clure, Joseph, saddler, Market Square.
M'Clure, John, baker, Bridge Street.
M'Clure, Thomas, labourer, Bridge Street.
M'Clusky, Peter, hostler, Jackson's Lane.
M'Comb, John, innkeeper (Hertford Arms), Market Square.
M'Comb, Hugh, carpenter, Jackson's Lane.
M'Comb, Thomas, shoemaker, Smithfield.
M'Comb, Nathaniel, shoemaker, Market Lane.
M'Connell, Samuel, labourer, Tan Yard.
M'Connell, Matthew, weaver, Back Lane.
M'Connell, John, dealer, Market Lane.
M'Connell, John, weaver, Haslam's Lane.
M'Connell, Henry, weaver, Linenhall St.
M'Connell, Owen, hosier, Piper Hill.
M'Connell, James, weaver, Piper Hill.
M'Cormick, Patrick, waiter, Jackson' Lane.
M'Cormick, Henry, labourer, Antrim Lane,
M'Cormick, Ezekiel, weaver, Bow Lane.
M'Cracken, Alexander, shoemaker, Jackson's Lane.
M'Cue, William, labourer, Ball Alley.
M'Cully, Hugh, book-binder, Jackson's Lane.
M'Curker, Thomas, labourer, Jackson's Lane.
M'Curry, James, boatman, Bridge End.
M'Donald, James, grocer, Chapel Hill.
M'Donald, Daniel, waterman, Smithfield.
M'Donald, Mary, Belfast Gate.
M'Donald, James, painter, Smithfield.
M'Donald, Edward, butcher, Bow Lane.
M'Donald, Daniel, labourer, Bridge End.
M'Dougall, James, shoemaker, Market Lane.
M'Dowell, William, nailer, Bow Lane.
M'Dowell, James, tailor, Johnson's Entry.
M'Dowell, John, saddler, Castle Street.
M'Dowell, Rose, Antrim Lane.
M'Gaghey, Francis, dealer in linen yarn, Bridge Street.
M'Gaunnily, Henry, labourer, Bridge St.
M'Gaverin, Catharine, Smithfield.
M'Gillin, Henry, labourer, Antrim Lane.
M'Glaughan, Dennis, flax-dresser, Johnson's Entry.
M'Glaughan, John, labourer, Bridge St.
M'Glaughan, Hannah, Ball Alley.
M'Gough, John, labourer, Longstone.
M'Gough, John, carman, Longstone.
M'Gough, Laughlan, shoemaker, Longstone.
M'Gowan, Mary, Longstone.
M'Gra, James, labourer, Bridge End.
M'Grillis, Michael, labourer, Smithfield.
M'Gullaghan, Robert, carman, Longstone.
M'Gurk, Arthur, publican, Church Row.
M'Gurk, James, boatman, Bridge End.
M'Gurk, John, boatman, Bridge End.
M'Gurnaghan, Patk., shoemaker. Heron's Folly.
M'Ilroy, Manus, weaver, Market Lane.
M'Ilroy, Manus, labourer, Track Line.
M'Keever, Terence, labourer, Piper Hill.
M'Kendry, Henry, school-master, Smithfield.
M'Kenna, Hugh, servant, Jackson's Lane.
M'Kenna, John, labourer, Bridge Street.
M'Keown, Robert, weaver, Back Lane.
M'Keown, Thomas, weaver, Belfast Gate.
M'Keown, Robert, weaver, Bridge Street.
M'Keown, John, coal measurer, Bridge Street.
M'Keown, Toal, lodging house, Piper Hill.
M'Kinny, Misses, Bow Lane.
M'Manus, William, weaver, Linenhall St.
M'Mullen, John, labourer, Back Lane.
M'Namara, John, currie, Bow Lane.
M'Nally, Patrick, labourer, Bakery Lane.
M'Nalty, John, weaver, Piper Hill.
M'Quaid, Bernard, shoemaker, Market Lane.
M'Seveney, Charles, weaver, Market Lane
M'Vey, Daniel, butcher, Smithfield.
M'Vey, Bartley, labourer, Piper Hill.
M'Vey, Edward, weaver, Jacksons Lane.
M'Vey, John, butcher, Back Lane.


Napier, Henry, butcher, Smithfield.
Napier, Ann, Longstone.
Neely, Benjamin, English and mathematical teacher, Castle Street.
Neely, Erskine, schoolmaster, Market Sq.
Neill, Ann, Longstone.
Neill, Henry, labourer, Johnson's Entry.
Neill, John, labourer, Linenhall Street.
Neill, John, weaver, Piper Hill.
Neill, James, shoemaker, Longstone.
Nesbitt, John, surgeon, Castle Street.
Newburn, Thomas, hosier, Market Lane.
Nuckle, William, weaver, Ball Alley.


O'Brie, Mrs. Elizabeth, Chapel Hill.
O'Donnell, Hugh, shoemaker, Haslam's Lane.
O'Hara, Charles, blacksmith, Jackson's Lane.
O'Hara, Mary, Bridge End.
O'Hara, William, labourer, Bridge End.
O'Neill, Roger, labourer, Track Lane.
O'Neill, John, labourer, Jackson's Lane.
O'Neill, James, labourer, Track Line.
Osborne, William, weaver, Bridge End.


Palmer, William, hair-dresser, Bow Lane.
Park, Samuel, butcher, Haslam's Lane.
Park, Alexander, weaver, Linenhall St.
Park, Moses, shoemaker, Piper Hill.
Parkinson, Richard, weaver, Longstone.
Parkinson, Ellen, Smithfield.
Parsons, Robert, watchmaker, Bridge St.
Patten, Thomas, wheelwright, Jackson's Lane.
Patterson, John, carpenter, Chapel Hill.
Patterson, James, grocer. Bridge Street.
Patterson, John, weaver, Haslam's Lane.
Patterson, Elizabeth, Johnston's Entry.
Pattison, John, gardener, Bridge Street.
Peak, Neal, servant, Beggar's Lane.
Pelan, Richard B., chandler, Market Sq.
Pelan, George, chandler, Market Square.
Pelan, Thomas, grocer, Bridge Street.
Pelan, James, weaver, Bridge End.
Pelan, Mrs. Mary, chandler, Bridge Street.
Pennington, John, Proctor of Down and Connor, Bow Lane.
Pentland, George, blacksmith, Bow Lane.
Philips, Edward, farmer, Castle Street.
Philips, William, publican, Church Row.
Pilson, Conway, hosier, Haslam's Lane.
Proctor, Edward, weaver, Antrim Lane.


Quail, Archibald, weaver. Piper Hill.
Queery, Elizabeth, Antrim Lane.
Quin, John, labourer, Ball Alley.


Rainey, John, huntsman, Smithfield.
Rainey, James, weaver, Back Lane.
Ravenhill, William, farmer, Chapel Hill.
Ray, John, labourer, Jackson's Lane.
Read & M'Conkey, Misses, dress-makers, Castle Street.
Read, William, carpenter, Belfast Gate.
Read, David, currier, Bridge Street.
Read, Arthur, riddle maker, Bridge End.
Reekey, William, weaver, Jackson's Lane.
Reilly, James, besom-maker, Piper Hill.
Richardson, James, linen merchant, Bow Lane.
Richardson, John, linen merchant, Castle Street.
Richardson, Joseph, linen merchant, Bow Lane.
Riddock, Elizabeth, Bow lane.
Robinson, Alexander, gardener, Beggar Lane.
Robinson, James, labourer, Bridge Street.
Rogers, John, grocer, Market Square.
Rogers, Patrick, publican, Bridge Street.
Rogers, Patrick, sen., farmer, Longstone.
Rogers, Richard, shoemaker, Antrim Lane.
Rogers, Thomas, tailor, Chapel Hill.
Rooney, James, spruce-beer maker, Market Square.
Rooney, Michael, labourer, Jackson's Lane.
Rutlage, William, shoemaker, Bow Lane.
Ryans, John, hostler, Linenhall Street.


Sands, Ross, labourer, Piper Hill.
Savage, Thomas, porter, Antrim Lane.
Scandratt, Joseph, publican, Bow Lane.
Scott, Henry, labourer, Antrim Lane.
Scott, William, carman, Longstone.
Scayer, Elizabeth, Bridge End.
Seeds, Hugh, pawnbroker, Market Square.
Serby, Richard, mason, Bridge Street.
Serby, Richard, mason, Tan Yard.
Serby, Margaret, Bow Lane.
Sharky, Allen, pump maker, Smithfield.
Sharky, Ann, Smithfield.
Sharp, Edward, weaver, Longstone.
Shaw, William, farmer, Demiville.
Shaw, Thomas, agent to mail coach, Bridge Street.
Shepherd, George, weaver, Bridge End.
Sheilds, Charles, schoolmaster, Castle St.
Sheilds, Rachel, Smithfield.
Short, Owen, labourer, Bridge End.
Simon, John, gent, Market Square.
Simson, George, grocer, Bridge Street.
Singer, Hamilton, publican, Bridge Street.
Singleton, William, weaver, Haslam's Lane.
Skeffington, Peter, labourer, Ball Alley.
Skeffington, Luke, labourer, Ball Alley.
Slaven, Timothy, weaver, Piper Hill.
Slaven, John, labourer, Longstone.
Sloan, Henry, weaver, Belfast Gate.
Sloan, Adam, baker, Bridge Street.
Sloan, Matthew, labourer, Bridge End.
Sloan, John, farmer, Bridge End.
Sloan, Hugh, weaver, Bridge End.
Sloan, Robert, weaver, Bridge End.
Sloan, James, boatman, Bridge End.
Sloan, David, weaver, Bridge End.
Small, Jeremiah, huxter, Market Lane.
Smily, Richard, huxter, Bow Lane.
Smith, Thomas Johnson, gent, Castle St.
Smith, Mrs. Charlotte, Castle Street.
Smith, Misses, Mount Phoebus.
Smith, John, woollendraper, Market Sq.
Smith, Robert, publican, Bridge Street.
Smith, Alexander, huxter, Belfast Gate.
Smith, Samuel, schoolmaster, Bridge St.
Smith, Mary, huxter, Haslam's Lane.
Smith, William, labourer, Beggar Lane.
Smith, Thomas, labourer, Jackson's Lane.
Sparks, Thomas, labourer, Pump Lane.
Spears, George, weaver, Bridge End.
Spears, George, weaver, Kennedy's Court.
Spence, Ann Jane, pawnbroker, Market Square.
Spence, Robert, labourer, Back Lane.
Spence, James, currier, Smithfield.
Stannas, Rev. Jas., agent to the Marquis of Hertford, Castle Street.
Stars, Arthur, labourer. Bridge Street.
Steed, John, boatman, Piper Hill.
Steel, John, shoemaker, Beggar Lane.
Stephenson, James, weaver, Piper Hill.
Sterling, Mrs. Ann, Market Square.
Sterling, Nicholas, labourer, Jackson's Lane.
Stewart, Pointz, gent, Castle Street.
Stewart, William, M.D., Castle Street.
Stewart, William, gent. Castle Street.
Stewart, Robert, muslin manufacturer, Chapel Hill.
Stewart, James, farmer, Bow Lane.
Stewart, James, labourer, Bridge End.
Stewart, James, labourer, Bridge End.
Stewart, Daniel, auctioneer, Smithfield.
Stewart, David, grocer, Market Square.
Strickland, Thomas, weaver, Belfast Gate.
Strickland, Margaret, Belfast Gate.
Stirrit, James, weaver, Chapel Hill.
Stretton, Richard, mason, Linenhall St.
Sweeney, James, weaver, Bow Lane.


Taggart, William, labourer, Haslam's Lane.
Taggart, William, weaver, Bow Lane.
Teat, Elizabeth, Chapel Hill.
Tedford, James, labourer, Antrim Lane.
Thompson, William, apothecary, Castle Street.
Thompson, Thomas, shoemaker, Market Square.
Thompson, Jas., shoemaker, Church Row.
Thompson, Edward, weaver, Smithfield.
Thornton, Joseph, writing clerk, Castle Street.
Todd, James, weaver, Smithfield.
Tool, Patrick, labourer, Antrim Lane.
Tosh, Daniel, labourer, Piper Hill.
Tosh, Alexander, labourer, Bridge Street.
Townley, James, farmer, Chapel Hill.
Trail, Rev. Anthony, D.D., Castle Street.
Trimble, William, labourer, Bridge End.
Turner, James, farmer, Longstone.
Tuton, James, shoemaker, Bridge Street,
Tuton, John, carman, Antrim Lane.


Valentine, Joseph, weaver, Bridge Street.


Wallace, Alice, Antrim Lane.
Walker, Mrs. Mary, apothecary, Market Square.
Walker, Susanna, Antrim Lane.
Walker, William, carpenter, Linenhall St.
Walsh, Baptist, huxter, Antrim Lane.
Walsh, Ralph, saddler, Bow Lane.
Ward, James, bookseller and stationer, Market Square.
Ward, Nicholas, tailor, Heron's Folly,
Ward, Dennis, labourer, Jackson's Lane.
Ward, Mark, weaver, Linenhall Street.
Waring, Miss Mary, Castle Street.
Waring, Richard, publican, Market Square
Waterson, Bridget, Kennedy's Court.
Watson, Thomas, carpenter, Linenhall St.
Watson, Jane, Antrim Lane.
Watson, Mary, Bridge End.
Watt, John, labourer, Piper Hill.
Weldon, Patrick, whitesmith, Smithfield.
Wheeler, John, grocer, Smithfield.
Wheeler, John, cloth-lapper, Bow Lane.
White, John, huxter, Bow Lane.
White, James, baker, Jackson's Lane.
Whiteside, Jane, Haslam's Lane.
Whitla, George, merchant, Bow Lane.
Wier, James, carpenter, Harlam's Lane.
Wiley, Alexander, watchmaker, Bow Lane.
Wilkinson, William, labourer, Bow Lane.
Williams, James, pawnbroker, Market Sq.
Williams, Margaret, Belfast Gate.
Wilson, George, shoemaker, Bow Lane.
Wilson, William, shoemaker, Bow Lane.
Wilson, Adam, shoemaker, Smithfield.
Wilson, William, weaver, Haslam's Lane.
Wilson, Robert, carpenter, Track Line.
Williamson, Alexander, linen merchant and bleacher, Lambeg House.
Wolfenden, Abraham, carpenter, Piper Hill.
Woods, John, baker, Bridge Street.
Woods, Elizabeth, Belfast Gate.
Woods, Bernard, labourer, Chapel Hill.
Wright, Thomas, painter, Heron's Polly,
Wright, John, labourer, Piper Hill.


Yarr, William, tailor, Bow Lane.
Yarr, John, weaver, Pump Lane.
Younghusband, Mrs. Jane, Belfast Gate.

-- -- -- -- -- --

Local Names Extracted from a List, of Gentlemen, Manufacturers, &c
residing in the
Neighbourhood of Belfast & Lisburn,


Barbour, John, thread manufacturer, Plantation, Blaris.
Carleton, Cornelius, spirit merchant, Carleton House, Blaris.
Carleton, Thomas, gent., Myrtle Hill, Blaris.
Casement, Charles, gent., Myrtle Hill, Drumbo.
Charley, William, bleacher and linen merchant, Mossvale.
Charley, John, bleacher and linen merchant, Finaghey.
Clarke, Mrs. Margaret Elizabeth, Townland of Clogher, Parish of Derriaghy, widow of Lieutenant Humphry Clarke, 30 Foot.
Corkin, John, gent., Lambeg.
Curtis, Edward, linen merchant and bleacher, Glenburne, Derriaghy.
Dobbs, Richard, gent., Castle Dobbs.
Dunlop, Charles, gent., Edenderry, Drumbo.
Durham, Andrew, gent., Belvidere, Drumbo.
Garr, Edward, linen merchant, Port View.
Garr, John, linen merchant, Lagan Cottage.
Garrett. Robert, gent., Red Hill, Maragall.
Hancock, W. J., bleacher, near Lisburn.
Haughton, Major, Springfield, Maragall.
Hill, J. C, linen merchant, Donought.
Hunter, William, linen merchant and bleacher, Dunmurry.
Hunter, Alexander, linen merchant and bleacher, Dunmurry.
Johnson, Rev. Philip, of Ballymacash, Parish of Derriaghy, Vicar of Derriaghy from the year 1772, Justice of the Peace for the Counties of Antrim and Down; house built by his great grandfather, Ralph Smyth, Esq., shortly before the Revolution of 1688, rebuilt by himself in the years 1789, 1790.
M'Cance, John, linen merchant, Suffolk.
Oakman, Walter, linen merchant, Glenavy
Roberts, Walter, & Son, Collin.
Stewart, John, gent., Wilmont, Drumbeg.
Stewart, Thomas A., gent., Lakefield, Drumbeg.
Ward, James, muslin bleacher, Hilden.
Watson, James, gent., Brookhill, Maragall.
Williamson, Robert, linen merchant and bleacher, Lambeg House.
Wolfenden, John, linen merchant, Lambeg.

(This article was originally published in the Lisburn Standard on 15 December 1916 as part of a series which ran in that paper each week through 1917. The text along with other extracts can be found on my website Eddies Extracts.)

Saturday, 11 December 2010

Garnerville Gems - Memories of Times Past

Garnerville Presbyterian Church in East Belfast is celebrating its Diamond Jubilee this year and as well as a special Anniversary Service and other activities they have produced a book entitled Garnerville Gems.

Produced in A4 format and containing 100pgs, Garnerville Gems relates the early history of the church along with poems, short stories and memories written by members of the congregation.

The book has sold well but there may be some copies left (for a minimum donation of £5) for those with an interest.

Contact Rev. Peter McDowell (028) 9076 9035 email: minister@garnerville.org


Thursday, 9 December 2010

The Afghans are Jews?

"Our political connexion with the country now ceases. The troops are to be withdrawn, and the Affghans left to choose their own monarch."

While that quote almost sounds as if it was published yesterday it was in fact part of a newspaper report published in 1842,  exactly 168 years ago today, referring to the British retreat from Kabul and their subsequent massacre and the resultant punitive expeditions that brought to an end the First Anglo-Afghan War.

That is not the subject of this post however, but a little one paragraph story tagged on at the bottom of the opposite page...

Sir William Jones, after a deliberate and long investigation, decides that the Affghans are Jews, descended from the ten tribes, and records a prediction among them, and in his time current in the East, that they are destined to re-establish the Jewish empire, under their expected Messiah, at Jerusalem.

A curious statement and given the current situation in that region I had to look this up... isn't the internet wonderful...

The identity of the Sir William Jones alluded to is suspect for although the wording suggests a contemporary report (and it could be he was a relation)  it is possible it actually refers to the 18th century linguist, Indian scholar and founder of the Asiatic Society Sir William Jones (1746–1794) (whose father was a Welsh mathematician noted for devising the use of the symbol pi).

In 1792 Sir William published, with an introduction and notes, a dissertation by Henry Vansittart entitled "On the Descent of the Afghans from the Jews" which begins

The Afghans, according to their own traditions, are the posterity of MELIC TA'LU'T (king SAUL), who, in the opinion of some, was a descendent of JUDAH the son of JACOB, and according to others, of BENJMIN the brother of JOSEPH.

In The Myth of the Ten Lost Tribes, Haim F. Ghiuzeli writes

Various tribes of Afghanistan, especially the Pathans, have received perhaps the largest amount of attention from the seekers of Ten Lost Tribes. The theory was originally advanced by European travelers to the region, but it was later adopted by some Jews. They believe that Afghanistan is probably the most suitable place for a search for the Ten Lost Tribes, and even by some local Muslim inhabitants of Afghanistan. The earliest theory about the Ten Lost Tribes origin of Afghan tribes was lanced already towards the end of the 18th century by Sir William Jones (1746-1794), an early researcher of Indian studies, in an introduction that he wrote to the English translation of the "Secrets of the Afghans" by Henry Vasittart (1732-1770), the British governor of Bengal and one of the first Europeans with an interest in Afghan history and traditions. This theory found a strong supporter in Henry Walter Bellew (1834-1892), an Indian born English surgeon with a distinguished career in the British administration of India. Bellew elaborated extensively about the possible connection between various ethnic groups of Afghanistan and the Ten Lost Tribes and tried to prove his assumptions by suggesting a likeness between biblical and historic place names, Hebrew words and given names and local place names in Afghanistan and some words from the languages and dialects spoken in that country. He also advanced a supposed similarity of customs and habits between the two peoples and, typically for a 19th century researcher, even endeavored to establish a resemblance between the physiognomy of Afghan tribes and that of the "Jewish type". Bellew was succeeded by many travelers and explorers to Afghanistan and the neighboring areas who occasionally suggested new elements that could enhance the belief in a link between the tribes of Afghanistan and the Ten Lost Tribes.

This theory still has many proponents today and an internet search throws up several articles on the subject which are worth reading for those with an interest in Biblical history or that of the region.

The dissertation finishes with this note by Sir William Jones

This account of the Afghans may lead to a very interesting discovery. We learn from ESDRAS, that the Ten Tribes, after a wandering journey, came to a country called Arsareth; where we may suppose they settled: now the Afghans are said by the best Persian historians to be descended from the Jews; they have traditions among themselves of such a descent; and it is even asserted, that their families are distinguished by the names of Jewish tribes, although, since their conversion to the Islam, they studiously conceal their origin. The Pushto language, of which I have seen a dictionary, has a manifest resemblance to the Chaldaik; and a considerable district under their dominion is called Hazareh, or Hazaret, which might easily have been changed into the word used by ESDRAS. I strongly recommend an inquiry into the literature and history of the Afghans.

What do you think the Afghans would say?

1. Banner of Ulster, 9 December 1842
2. Sir William Jones and Henry Vansittart, Dissertations and miscellaneous pieces relating to the history and antiquities, the arts, sciences, and literature, of Asia, Volume 2, (London, 1792), pg 119
3. Haim F. Ghiuzeli, The Myth of the Ten Lost Tribes.


Tuesday, 7 December 2010

Directory of Lisburn for 1819.



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With a
Directory and History of Lisburn

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1 Corn Market, Belfast.

 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --

Directory of Lisburn for 1819.


Allen, Hercules, labourer, Longstone.
Anderson, William, sawyer, Castle Street.
Anderson, Hugh, cart maker, Smithfield.
Anderson, John, labourer, Smithfield.
Anderson, William, butcher. Smithfield.
Armstrong, George, tailor, Bow Lane.


Ballintine, Joseph, weaver, Bridge Street.
Bannister, Robert, labourer, Bridge St.
Barcroft, Mrs. Sarah, Chapel Hill.
Barnsley, Richard, merchant, Bridge St.
Beaty, Thomas, tanner, Bow Lane.
Beaty, Joseph, tanner, Bow Lane.
Beaty William, labourer, Smithfield.
Beaty, William, grocer, Bridge Street.
Beaumont, John, soap boiler, Track Line.
Bell, Samuel, woollendraper, Bridge St.
Bell, Thomas, publican, Market Square.
Bell, William, weaver. Back Lane.
Bell, Isaac, carman, Market Lane.
Bell, Joseph, weaver, Johnson's Entry.
Bell, John, land surveyor, Longstone.
Bell William, land surveyor, Linenhall Street.
Bell, Andrew, weaver, Linenhall Street.
Bell, Joshua, weaver, Piper Hill.
Bell, Edward, publican, Bow Lane.
Bell, Henry, publican Bow Lane
Benson, Francis, publican, Bow Lane.
Berry, Samuel, cooper, Back Lane
Best, Ann, Belfast Gate.
Biddulph, John, grocer, Bridge End.
Black, William, hosier, Castle Street.
Black, Alexander, sheriff's assistant, Market Lane.
Black, Christian, Church Row
Blackburn, Robert, weaver, Haslam's Lane.
Blaney, John, gardener, Jackson's Lane
Bolton, James, labourer, Bow Lane.
Boomer, George, blacksmith, Belfast Gate.
Boomer, Benjamin, blacksmith, Bow Lane.
Boreland, William, weaver, Piper Hill.
Boyd, Hugh, tailor, Castle Street.
Boyd, Elizabeth, Back Lane.
Boyd, Alexander, publican, Church Row
Boyes, Mrs. Jane, Bow Lane.
Boyes, John, weaver, Linenhall Street.
Bradford, John, labourer, Jackson's Lane.
Bradley, William, baker, Market Square.
Bradley, John, servant, Belfast Gate.
Bradshaw, William, helper in damask factory, Bridge End.
Brady, Peter, weaver, Antrim Lane.
Brady, John, carman, Longstone.
Brady, Mary, Longstone.
Brady, Mathew, weaver, Bridge End.
Brannon, William, mason, Castle Street.
Britton, George, Bow Lane.
Britton, John, weaver, Bow Lane.
Brown, Margaret, housekeeper in the Co. Infirmary, Belfast Gate.
Brown, Richard, weaver, Linenhall Street.
Brownlee, Alexander, grocer, Bridge St.
Bruce, Henry, weaver, Bakery Lane.
Bruce, Nathaniel, labourer, Ball Alley.
Buchannan, Jos., labourer, Antrim Lane.
Buchannan, Jas., weaver, Jackson's Lane.
Burk, John, labourer, Antrim Lane.
Burns, Patrick, weaver, Jackson's Lane.
Burns, William, weaver, Piper Hill.
Burrowes, Francis, baker, Bow Lane.
Burrows, Ann, Piper Hill.


Cahoon, Rodney, town constable, Belfast Gate.
Cahoon, John, labourer, Bridge End.
Cahoon, Widow, Antrim Lane.
Calbeck, William, gent, Belfast Gate.
Calwell, John, servant, Smithfield.
Campbell, John, weaver, Bridge End.
Cannon, John, shoemaker, Beggar Lane.
Cannon, John, labourer, Bridge Street.
Carleton, John, gent, Chapel Hill.
Carleton, Mrs. Elizabeth, Market Square.
Carleton, Miss, Haslam's Lane.
Carleton, Mrs. Margaret, Chapel Hill.
Chambers, David, boatman, Bridge End.
Chapman, William, muslin manufacturer, Bow Lane.
Carmichael, Thomas, gent, Bridge Street.
Carson, Sarah, huxter, Linenhall Street.
Carson, John, weaver, Piper Hill.
Carson, Robert, weaver, Piper Hill.
Clark, Jonathan, publican, Bridge Street.
Clark, John, muslin manufacturer, Bridge Street.
Clark, Saywell, muslin manufacturer, Bridge Street.
Clark, John, jun., muslin manufacturer, Market Square.
Clark, Ann, grocer, Church Row.
Clark, Robert, shoemaker, Bridge Street,
Clark, Alexander, weaver, Chapel Hill,
Clegg, William, hosier, Antrim Lane.
Clements! George, labourer, Smithfield.
Close, William, shoemaker, Linenhall St.
Close, Eliza, huxter, Belfast Gate.
Coats, James, heddle maker, Piper Hill.
Coin, Mary, Market Lane.
Collins, Joseph, shoemaker, Piper Hill.
Connor, Roddy, labourer, Johnston's Entry.
Connor, Edward, labourer, Bridge Street.
Conn, John, gardener, Back Lane.
Conn, John, jun., weaver, Back Lane.
Connelly, John, weaver, Linenhall Street.
Connelly, Ann, Longstone.
Cordner, James, gent, Castle Street.
Cordner, Thomas, shoemaker, Longstone.
Corkin, James, publican, Church Row.
Corkin, Jane, Bridge Street.
Corless, Thomas, attorney's clerk, Bow Lane.
Cormickon, Edward, labourer, Bridge St.
Cosgrove, David, cart-maker, Smithfield.
Coulson, William, & Brothers, damask manufacturers, Market Square.
Coulson, Walter, grocer, Bridge Street.
Crean, Morris, weaver, Back Lane.
Creany, Joseph, publican, Bow Lane.
Creighton, Daniel, labourer, Bridge End.
Crockard, Robert, weaver, Piper Hill.
Crossley, John, gent, Bow Lane.
Crossley, Mary Ann, publican, Bridge St.
Crossey, Edward, carpenter, Belfast Gate.
Crothers, John, weaver, Piper Hill.
Crothers, James, labourer, Back Lane.
Cuff, William, labourer, Antrim Lane.
Cummins, James, labourer, Jackson's Lane.
Cummins, Mrs., Ball Alley.
Cunningham, Felix, post-master, Castle Street.
Cunningham, James, schoolmaster, Jackson's Lane.
Cupples, Rev. Snowden, D.D., Vicar General, &c., &c, Castle Street.
Curran, Thomas, carpenter, Castle Street.
Curran, Richard, carpenter, Belfast Gate.


Darragh, John, labourer, Bridge Street.
Davis, Arthur, publican, Bow Lane.
Davis, Thomas, hairdresser, Bridge Street.
Davis, Francis, shoemaker, Jackson's Lane
Davidson, Alexander, shoemaker, Antrim Street.
Dawson, John, publican, Market Square.
Dawson, Mrs. Judith, publican, Bow Lane.
Delacherois, Nicholas, gent, Castle Street.
Deveney, Hugh, lighterman, Track Line.
Deveney, Robert, weaver, Chapel Hill.
Diamond, Andrew, weaver, Piper Hill.
Dickey, Robert, butcher, Piper Hill.
Dickey, Thomas, chandler, Bow Lane.
Dickey, Robert, jun., butcher, Piper Hill.
Dickey, Henry, butcher, Piper Hill.
Dickey, James, butcher, Smithfield.
Dickey, Thomas, butcher, Smithfield.
Dickey, Edward, butcher, Linenhall St.
Diermond, Jane, Bridge Street.
Dillon, William, proctor of Down and Connor, Castle Street.
Dixon, Thomas, grocer, Bridge Street.
Dixon, William, apothecary, Bridge Street
Dixon, John, roper, Bridge End.
Dixon, John, grocer, Bow Lane.
Dixon, Charles, watchmaker, Bow Lane.
Dogherty, Maine, Antrim Lane.
Dogherty, Margaret, Back Lane.
Donnelly, Michael, labourer, Belfast Gate.
Donnelly, John, labourer, Bridge End.
Doogen, George, weaver, Bakery Lane.
Doran, Charles, dealer, Castle Street
Dornan, James, white-smith, Bridge St.
Donity, James, shoemaker, Tanyard.
Dowdalls, John, sizer, Bridge Street.
Douglass, Samuel, tobacconist, Bridge St.
Douglass, Henry, sawyer, Smithfield.
Drain, Mary, Beggar Lane.
Drain, Hugh, lighterman, Track Lane.
Drain, Patrick, shoemaker, Bridge End.
Drake, Francis, carman, Longstone.
Drake, James, weaver, Haslam's Lane.
Druitt, Thomas, weaver, Belfast Gate.
Duberdieu, Misses, Belfast Gate
Duncan, William, servant, Jackson's Lane.
Duncan, Alexander, servant, Bow Lane.
Duncan, Moses, weaver, Longstone.
Duncan, Samuel, weaver, Longstone.
Dunn, George, muslin manufacturer, Chapel Hill.


Eakin, James, farmer, Longstone.
Eakin, James, labourer, Longstone.
Ekenhead, Robert, roper, Track Line.
Earl, Robert, weaver, Haslam Lane.
Earless, Mary, Antrim Lane.
Elliott, William, weaver, Linenhall Street.
Elliott, Francis, shoemaker, Bridge Street.
English, William, labourer, Bridge Street.


Fairley. Liney, Bridge End.
Fairis, William, carpenter, Antrim Lane.
Fairis, Neal, labourer, Longstone.
Fairis, John, labourer, Bridge End.
Fell, John, labourer, Linenhall Street.
Ferguson, John, grocer, Bridge Street.
Ferguson, James, farmer, Longstone.
Ferguson, Thomas, labourer, Back Lane.
Ferguson, James, shoemaker, Back Lane.
Ferguson. Andrew, shoemaker, Bridge End.
Ferrall, Grace, Market Lane.
Ferrall, James, weaver, Piper Hill.
Ferrall, Sarah, Piper Hill.
Ferrall, Edward, weaver, Piper Hill.
Ferrall, Robert, weaver, Piper Hill.
Finlay, Moses, weaver, Back Lane.
Fitzsimons, John, publican, Bow Lane.
Flack, Patrick, shoemaker, Longstone.
Flanagan, Elizabeth, Antrim Lane.
Fleming, Samuel, wheel-wright, Market Lane.
Fleming, William, wheel-wright, Linenhall Street.
Fleming, Samuel, weaver, Heron's Folly.
Fletcher, Rev. Philip, Castle Street.
Fletcher, John, shoemaker, Antrim Lane.
Fletcher, Abraham, labourer, Haslam's Lane.
Fletcher, Thomas, shoemaker, Bow Lane.
Flinn, Charles, labourer, Piper Lane.
Fogey, Thomas, boatman, Bridge End.
Foote, Richard, nailer, Bridge Street.
Foote, Jane, Longstone.
Foreman, Robert, muslin manufacturer, Bow Lane.
Forest, Thomas, cabinet-maker, Bridge St.
Fox, Frances, haberdasher, Castle Street.
Frazier, Thomas, grocer, Bridge Street.
Frazier, Rachel, huckster, Antrim Lane.
Fulton, Joseph, gent, Castle Street.
Fulton, Richard, gent. Bridge End.
Fulton, John, gent, Chapel Hill.
Fulton, Andrew, woollendraper, Market Square.
Fulton, Agnes, haberdasher, Bow Lane.
Fulton, Mary, Pump Lane.
Fulton, Robert, warper, Piper Hill.


Gabby, James, weaver, Bridge Street.
Gallagher, Bartley, weaver, Chapel Hill.
Gallaway, Mary, Bridge Street.
Gallery, John, shoemaker, Tan Yard.
Gamble, Samuel, schoolmaster, Market Square.
Gauley, Robert, labourer, Antrim Lane.
Garside, Joseph, watchman, Linenhall St.
Gearey, George, carman, Castle Street.
Gibson, Alexander, weaver, Chapel Hill.
Gilliland, David, carpenter, Tan Yard.
Gill, John, servant, Bridge Street.
Gill, William, shoemaker, Haslam's Lane.
Gilmore, John, weaver, Piper Hill.
Gilmore, Patrick, labourer, Back Lane.
Gilmore Edward, brazier, Bakery Lane.
Gilmore, Hill, brazier, Linenhall Street.
Gilmore, Daniel, bricklayer, Bow Lane.
Glenn, Joy, weaver, Back Lane.
Gooden, John, hairdresser, Bow Lane.
Gorman, Ellen, Smithfield.
Gorman, Elizabeth, Bridge Street
Gowdey, Ruth, grocer, Antrim Lane.
Graham, William, tanner, Market Square.
Graham, James, bleacher, Jackson's Lane.
Graham, William, weaver, Linenhall St.
Graham, Robert, shoemaker, Longstone.
Graham, David, weaver, Bridge End.
Graham, Andrew, tailor, Bridge End.
Graham George, labourer, Antrim Lane.
Grant, Lawrence, carman, Piper Hill.
Gray, Robert, slater, Smithfield.
Gray, Charles, bricklayer, Smithfield.
Gregg, Dominick, linen merchant, Castle Street.
Greer, Richard, grocer, Bow Lane.
Greer, Arthur, publican, Bow Lane.
Greer, Thomas, blue dier, Bridge Street.
Greer, John, labourer, Vitriol Island.
Gribbin, Michael, tobacco spinner, Jackson's Lane.
Gribbin, Edward, weaver, Bridge Street.
Gribbin, Hugh, labourer, Bridge End.
Gribbin, Michael, labourer, Pump Lane.
Griffin, Roger, labourer, Bow Lane.
Griffith, Mary, huxter, Bridge Street.


Hagan, Bernard, labourer, Longstone.
Haggarty, Sarah, Jackson's Lane.
Hall, Rowley, F. attorney, Market Square.
Hall, John, shoemaker, Bridge Street
Hall, William, weaver, Jackson's Lane.
Hamill, Sarah, huxter, Market Lane.
Hamilton, David, button-mould maker, Jackson's Lane.
Hamilton, William, cooper, Bakery Lane.
Hamilton, John, cooper, Bakery Lane.
Hamilton, James, butcher, Linenhall St.
Hamilton, John, butcher, Heron's Folly.
Hamilton, Alexander, labourer, Piper Hill.
Hancock, John, linen merchant, Castle Street.
Hancock, William, linen merchant, Market Square.
Hancock, Jacob B., gent, Gregg Street.
Hancock, Misses, Castle Street.
Hanlon, Bernard, weaver, Tan Yard.
Hanna, James, weaver, Chapel Hill.
Hanna, Robert, labourer, Pump Lane.
Hare, Henry, shoemaker, Antrim Lane.
Hare, William, Market Lane.
Harrison, John, mason, Kennedy's Court.
Harty, Bernard, labourer, Johnson's Entry.
Havern, Philip, labourer, Antrim Lane.
Havern, Ann, Antrim Lane.
Hawkshaw, William, gent, Castle Street.
Hay, James, gardener, Castle Street.
Henderson, John, weaver, Back Lane.
Heney, Rachel, school-mistress, Haslam's Lane.
Hennan, Margaret, Bridge Street.
Herdman, John, farmer, Chapel Hill.
Heron, Edward, lieutenant R.N., Castle Street.
Heron, John, cabinet-maker, Smithfield.
Heron, William, retailer of delf, Market Square.
Hicks, Henry, muslin manufacturer, Longstone.
Higgins, James, hawker of delf, Bow Lane.
Higginson, Rev. Thomas, register to Bishop's Court, Bow Lane.
Higginson, Miss Margaret, Castle Street.
Higginson, William, writing clerk, Bow Lane.
Higginson, John, labourer, Belfast Gate.
Hill, Samuel, weighmaster, Bow Lane.
Hilland, Henry, labourer, Chapel Hill.
Hillard, Joseph, butcher, Smithfield.
Hood, Thomas, tailor, Castle Street.
Hodgson, James, hatter, Bow Lane.
Hogg, James, linen merchant, Castle St.
Hogg, William, gent, Castle Street.
Hogg, James, labourer, Market Lane.
Houston, William, labourer, Antrim Lane.
Houston, John, weaver, Antrim Lane.
Huey, Samuel, gardener, Jackson's Lane.
Huey, James, weaver, Antrim Lane.
Hughes, Samuel, woollendraper, Market Square.
Hughes, Thomas, labourer, Antrim Lane.
Hull, Thomas, publican, Church Row.
Hull, William, weaver, Linenhall Street.
Hull, John, weaver, Chapel Hill.
Hull, Robert, writing clerk, Belfast Gate.
Hunter, Joseph, veterinary surgeon, and register to the Royal Down Corporation of Horse Breeders, Heron's Folly
Hunter, William, gent, Castle Street.
Hunter, John, shoemaker, Longstone.
Hutchinson, Hugh, retailer of herrings, Antrim Lane.
Hyde, Abraham, weaver, Bow Lane.


Innis, James, permanent sergeant, yeomen, Longstone.
Irwin, William, publican, Belfast Gate.
Isdall, David, shoemaker, Bow Lane.


Jack, George, blacksmith, Bridge End.
Jacobson, John, carpenter, Haslam's Lane.
Jellett, Rev. Matthew, Bow Lane.
Johnston, John, sheriff's assistant, Castle Street.
Johnston, Arthur, gent, Market Square.
Johnston, Samuel, merchant, Market Sq.
Johnston, John, shoemaker, Antrim Lane.
Johnston, William, shoemaker, Bow Lane.
Johnston, William, blacksmith, Johnston's Entry.
Johnston, Matthew, weaver, Piper Hill.
Johnston, John, servant, Piper Hill.
Johnston^ Mary Anne, Longstone.
Johnston, James, farmer, Longstone.
Johnston, Robert, farmer, Longstone
Johnston, David, boatman, Bridge End.
Johnston, William, boatman, Bridge End.
Jones, Miss, Belfast Gate.
Jordan, Matthew, publican, Bridge Street


Kean, Peter Q., pro-surveyor of excise, Bow Lane.
Kean, Daniel, weaver, Chapel Hill.
Kean, James, labourer, Bridge Street.
Kearns, Bridget, Jackson's Lane.
Kelly, Henry, shuttle-maker, Bridge St.
Kelly Jane, huxter, Bridge Street.
Kelly, James, Smithfield.
Kelly, Anne, huxter, Bow Lane.
Kelly, Henry, jun., shuttle-maker, Bridge Street.
Kelly, Patrick, tailor, Bow Lane.
Kennedy, Henry, attorney, Castle Street.
Kennedy, Samuel, muslin manufacturer, Bow Lane.
Kennedy, Denis, nursery-man, Belfast Gate.
Kennedy, James, carpenter, Bow Lane.
Kennedy, Dennis, town-crier, Longstone.
Kennedy, James, weaver, Bridge End.
Kerr, William, mason, Antrim Lane.
Kerr, Patrick, weaver, Bow Lane.
Kerr, Margaret, Belfast Gate.
Kerr, Robert, weaver, Chapel Hill.
Kerr, Hannah, Longstone.
Kernaghan, Margaret, Bow Lane.
Killin, John, labourer, Jackson's Lane.
King, Matthew, butcher, Linenhall Street.
Knox, Robert, cutler, Castle Street.

(To be Continued.)

(This article was originally published in the Lisburn Standard on 8 December 1916 as part of a series which ran in that paper each week through 1917. The text along with other extracts can be found on my website Eddies Extracts.)